Peace Parents

We are so excited to begin the 2023-2024 School Year on August 2, 2023. Please use this page as a resource page for everything you will need to get the school year started well. We can’t wait to see you soon.

-Benjamin Wills, Founder, Head of School

Back to School Meet-Up!

On Tuesday, August 1st, you will have the opportunity to drop in for a backpack, school uniforms, and to say hello to your child’s new teacher. This will take place at 3pm in the main building Sanctuary, at 3:30 you will be dismissed to head to your child’s classroom for a meet and greet.


We will be providing each child, 10 uniform shirts. You are responsible for either khaki or navy bottoms. This can be shorts or pants. Please also ensure that your child wears comfortable, close-toed shoes to school daily.

After School Program

After School programming will begin after Labor Day, sign up will take place in August. The After School Program will run Monday-Thursday from 3pm-6pm and include dinner. Stay tuned for more information.

Drop Off/Pick Up Locations

Students in all grades should be dropped off and picked up from the front door of our main building at 881 North Ave NW.


We will continue for another school year without a set tuition for each family. We would this year like to invite all families to participate in a monthly financial contribution as one of our Peace Partners. We are asking all families to consider a minimum monthly contribution of $10. To complete this process, use this link.

Additional Helpful Resources

School Calendar