Pride Updates

This page provides updates to current PPA families regarding upcoming events and important reminders.

2025-2026 Enrollment Window

is now OPEN!

    1. Complete the online application for 2025-2026.

    2. Submit your required documents. Documents can be uploaded to the online application or hard copies can be brought by the main office to be scanned.

    3. Complete your tuition and scholarship applications.

    • Birth Certificate

    • Social Security Card

    • Immunization Record (Form 3231)

    • Vision, Hearing, and Nutrition (Form 3300)

    • Custody Paperwork (if applicable)

    • Guardian Identification

  • We believe that education is a shared ownership between the guardian and school team. Tuition (previously known as Peace Partners) is a way in which we commit to providing our scholars a better educational experience.

    Tuition is based on a sliding scale based on income, household size, and number of scholars attending Peace Preparatory Academy.

    Most families will be eligible to receive one of the following scholarships: (1) Arete Scholars (2) Georgia Choice or (3) Lion Pride. Scholarships cannot be stacked on top of one another. Each family is eligible to apply for one of the available scholarships. The school team can provide assistance in determining the best application for your family.

  • Current families we be guarenteed placement for the 25-26 academic year through Wednesday, March 12, 2025.

    Re-enrollment applications received after March 12, 2025 will be accepted based on current grade level availability.

    Families not eligible for re-enrollment due to attendance concerns will be notified by Friday, February 28, 2025.