Current Needs
Contribute to our current needs with in-kind donations and volunteer support.
Top Need
Healthy Snacks
You can help fuel Peace Prep students for a day of learning by providing healthy snacks. Students get an afternoon snack each day to help them stay sharp and focused on learning.
Favorite snacks include:
01 Fruit cups
02 Beef Sticks/Chomps
03 Goldfish
Top Need
Professional Services
One of the biggest gifts to Peace Prep is when professionals offer their expertise pro-bono. Contact our development team if you would like to donate your time and expertise. We frequently need:
Creative: videography, photography, graphic design, interior design, event planning
Speakers for student chapels or staff development
Facilities: landscape design, handy-man services, plumbing, etc.
Legal services
In-Kind Donations
Many of our practical needs are filled by in-kind donations. Take a look at our current needs, what we accept and how to schedule a drop-off. Unscheduled donations may not be accepted. Donation Ideas:
01 New bulk school supplies
02 New or gently used khaki or navy uniform pants, skirts, and shorts
03 New or gently used office furniture
Additional ways to give
Alongside the ways listed above, we also need the following:
Financial Gifts
99% of our operating funds are raised through the generosity of others. We would love for you to prayerfully consider partnering with us with either a one-time or monthly tax-deductible gift.
Amazon Wishlists
Each classroom teacher, interventionist, and administrator at Peace Prep has their own unique program needs. Support their classrooms with amazon wishlists.
Fill our the volunteer application if you are interested in serving consistently. Volunteers onboard at the beginning of each school year. Otherwise, please reach out to our development team for one-time opportunities.
If you are interested in joining our prayer team, please use the link below to let us know.